Today AT&T... Tomorrow the World!
Feb 17, 2005The kindly web-design-type folks at Joe's Apt. dropped me a note a couple days ago that my CSS min-height hack was used in one of their latest works of internet art nouveau.
Now this is fine, I've gotten a few emails like this saying how the hack has helped them (and even earnest suggestions to improve it!) and usually I think: cool, another poor coder who won't have to suffer the same slings and arrows as I did a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Um, or something like that.
Anyway, what made this particular notification special is the site on which the hack was used. It's the freakin AT&T Homepage!
So, I thought that was really cool and needed to say so. While unexpected, this, of course, is a large step forward for my World Domination plans. You'll see! You'll all see! I'm not crazy, I tell ya!
⇐ Ringmaker 2.3 released | So, what should I name him? ⇒ |