So, what should I name him?

Mar 24, 2005

Welp, I'm 99% sure my little guy is a male, judging by the pictures I found at He has the right shape, and the right temperment it seems :)

He likes to hiss and nip if I try to pick him up. I've talked with some other lizard owners and they say eventually he'll calm down. I hope so :/

So he needs a name! I didn't want to name him until I knew the gender and now that I do, well... you got it. Actually, I haven't put much thought into it at all; I guess I've been really good at putting it off. Any of you got any idears?

Here are some pictures I took of him tonight. He's growing really fast! Although other people seem to notice it more than me since I'm with him every day.

In other news, I made two new chat background stylesheets for Opera IRC chat, featuring Presto the Puffin! :) In honour of Opera 8's imminent release I offer you these:

Boy, it's been a long time since the last post. Work's ben catching up with me, I guess. Until next time!

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