Grey's ANZ Adventure Photos!
- We arrive in Aus, and here's the Harbour Bridge
- The Harbour Bridge 2
- The Harbour Bridge 3
- Sydney
- The Opera House!
- Closeup
- Closeup
- Darling Harbour
- Overlooking the Sydney Aquarium
- Platypus!
- Sucker sharks + me. hey...
- Me again and... Yikes!
- Quick hop to NZ and here's out first hotel on the outskirts of Auckland
- Driving on the wrong^Hother side of the road
- Skytower!
- Up we go, and here I am!
- Auckland from the air
- More
- Feels like we're playing SimCity...
- Auckland is the largest city in NZ.
- A third of all NZ's three million residents live here.
- Woo! 10x zoom baby! (compare with #21)
- Pedestrian crossing mayhem
- A surprisingly good shot of Auckland Town Hall
- My Dad enjoying the air
- Hello Lord Auckland!
- Now leaving Auckland.
- Entering LOTR territory.
- More nice shots
- All of these available in large size should you want desktops ;)
- Ah! The Beach! The water was a little cold :/
- But we can pretend!
- Look! Tropical!
- And native NZ wildlife!
- Volcanic rock.
- Whale Island, offshore near Whakatane
- The forbidding slopes of White Island, NZ's only active offshore volcano
- Oooooooh forbidding!
- The crater
- Sulphur vents
- Avast! Enemy spotted in the distance cap'n!
- Like real construction workers, people come to this island every day but no work ever seems to get done...
- Peering over the edge. This volcanic water is ~60C and pH 1.
- Care for a dip? hey...
- Nice scenery shots
- The island is very desolate
- Virtually nothing grows within the crater walls
- A river of volcanic water laden with iron, pH 2
- It was a great day
- Maybe a little windy
- Which might explain why all these shots are empty?
- Abandoned sulphur processing factory
- One of my brothers commented that the place looks like something out of Myst
- Looks like metal... it's actually been fossilized and is slowly flaking away
- Cool shot
- Back on shore, this waterfall was near an alley behind our hotel
- Mountains in NZ just seem to appear out of nowhere after kilometers of relatively flat land
- Overlooking Rotorua
- Mmmmm. Beer and a great view. What more could you ask for?
- Huka Falls. More of a channel where the water level drops 10m. My brother considered asking if we could raft it
- I had different plans
- Out of all four of us, I think I was the only one who'd ever seen a snowcapped mountain
- So when we saw this one, the northern-most of the three big ones which include Mt. Ruapehu...
- We all had to get out and take lots of pictures
- Like lots...
- You should see all the ones I didn't post!
- Our little rental Lancer wanted us to take a picture of it too
- Crazy thing? There are scattered palm trees in the brush in front of us!
- Doo dee doo
- ... I guess I was thinking: "at least one of these has to turn out
- Can we leave now?
- Okay! Up the mountain road to Ruapehu's peak
- The snowline, with the two other peaks in the distance
- If you zoom in any more, you'll see the slopes covered in skiers
- mmmmm Mountains!
- Back around the loop and we managed to catch sunset over lake Taupo
- Heading south from Taupo... nice mountain range
- Wellington, from the top of the cable car line
- Me taking a break. The white fence in the back is where the cable car goes up the hill
- After taking an English course in university studying the works of Katherine Mansfield, I finally make it to her place :)
- Nice shot from in the house
- On the wharf in Wellington, the aged timbers of the Inconstant have been dug up and were in the process of being preserved. The ship had been built in Canada and was a nice reminder for us of our dear homeland :)
- Wellington harbour on our last day in NZ :(
- Back in Sydney, and Darling Harbour
- Sydney Tower. Alas, we never got up this one
- This bird was an expert at raiding trash cans... as you might be able to surmise on your own ;)
- Darling Harbour at night 1
- Darling Harbour at night 2
- Darling Harbour at night 3
- The next day we took a boat into the national park just outside Sydney
- Most of Australia is desert and parkland
- Because of this, good housing is at a premium, almost triple the price of a similar sized city in North America
- Kookaburra!
- Inching closer
- Oh! Distracted... by nice... desktop image... Must... take... picture!
- Brother Jack teasing a magpie
- Here we start a whirlwind tour at Olympic Stadium
- Next stop, Featherdale nature park. Koala!
- A tame kook
- A tribunal of frogmouths
- Really cool looking bird
- What visit to an Australian zoo would be complete without...
- Just making sure
- My sister and friend feeding the animals. Note sneaky pigeon in the process of knocking over a feed cup
- Echidna
- Tazmanian Devil! No, he didn't scream and spin around.
- Now out west to the Blue Mountains
- Where we saw the Three Sisters
- I took lots of pictures here but the sun was at the wrong angle and most didn't turn out well
- This one was okay
- These views taken from Echo point
- Taking a ferry back to Circular Quay
- The Opera House, hiding under the Harbour Bridge
- Sydney!
- Nice closeup of the Opera house
- What vacation to anywhere would be complete without... souvenir shopping!
- Sister and friend at the First Fleet Monument in Botany Bay
- One of my brothers lives in Australia and got married on the last day of our vacation. This is his cat
- Dressed up in the bridesmaid colours
- Jack, pondering married life along with cat
- Alas, I was in the wedding party so no wedding pics. Instead, we stopped in Venice Beach, Los Angeles USA on the way home. The water was great, the wind didn't like my hair :)